Permanently remove the limiting beliefs that are stopping you from having the relationship you desire.

Helping Women and Men Shift Their Beliefs to Find Love

Do you want a relationship but find yourself struggling with finding the one? As a Love and Dating Coach, the number one thing I see that holds both men and women back from having a loving relationship are limiting beliefs about love. Many people aren’t even aware that they have limiting beliefs, yet their circumstances - being single despite wanting a partner, trying to date but giving up after a few attempts, or experiencing failed relationship after failed relationship - prove otherwise.

You want love but your limiting beliefs are making you doubt yourself:

  • “No one will love me the way I am - I need to change first.”

  • “I can’t find anyone I can truly connect with.”

  • “If I open up, I will get rejected.”

  • “Dating is soul destroying.”

  • “I always attract the same type of person.”

Woman struggling with limiting beliefs about relationships

You may have tried everything when it comes to finding love:

  • Different dating apps

  • New ways of meeting potential partners

  • Manifestation techniques

  • Trying to date more people (“It’s a numbers game!”)

  • Taking extended breaks from dating

  • Working on yourself

Yet no matter what you do, you still can’t have the relationship you want because somewhere inside of you there is a limiting belief about love.

Limiting beliefs in relationships are what’s preventing you from finding love.

If you are here then you probably realize that you have an internal block that is preventing you from allowing yourself to be loved or from loving another person fully. This block comes from your limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs in relationships are often formed in childhood and we hold on to them as a way of protecting ourselves from pain. But even when we decide we’re ready for a relationship, we struggle to let go of them. This can lead to patterns of long-term singleness and relationship dysfunction.

It’s only when you remove these limiting beliefs and replace them with new, empowering beliefs about love that you will allow your ideal relationship into your life.

Until you do this, all the dating and attraction techniques you are trying won’t work. And even if you get the relationship you desire, you’ll likely unconsciously look for ways to make it fail. Whether that’s going after the same wrong type over and over, doubting your partner’s feelings for you, or pushing them away, your default negative beliefs about love will prevail.

How My Proven Coaching Method Works to Shift Your Love and Dating Mindset

  • Step One

    Removing Your Blocks

    A unique approach to releasing the beliefs that have held you back.

  • Step Two

    Creating a New Story

    Writing a new story for your love life that aligns with your longheld desires.

  • Step Three

    Your New Identity

    Becoming the version of you who confidently attracts and keeps love.

About Emily Kelley, Love and Dating Coach

I have always been passionate about self-development and became a certified coach and NLP practitioner while working in my corporate advertising strategy career. I moved into Love Coaching full-time when I realized how many of my single friends had given up on ever finding love. Whether it was because of how they felt about their age, their bodies, the dating apps, or even the city they live in, they had started to believe that true love just wasn’t for them.

I am different from traditional dating coaches because my emphasis is on your own personal development to attract a healthy, fulfilling relationship. You can do everything mainstream dating experts tell you to do, but if you don’t believe in your ability to love or be loved, your romantic relationships can’t succeed. When you transform your beliefs, your energy shifts, and you make better choices, leading to better outcomes.

Emily Kelley Love Coach

Love and Dating Coaching Services

I provide Love and Dating Coaching support online to clients across the globe including Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and North America. I also offer in-person coaching in Sydney, Australia where preferred.

Love Breakthrough Session

If you are struggling with a specific issue in dating or an early relationship and want to overcome it fast, this 60-minute session is ideal for you. In this session, we will unpack your biggest challenge, what block may be preventing you from having what you desire, and develop a strategy to get the results you want. Includes a follow up action plan.

90-Day Love Transformation Program

Go from long-term single to confidently attracting “The One” with this 90-day 6-session private coaching package where I guide you through shifting your beliefs, becoming an energetic match with your ideal partner, and supporting you through an aligned, intentional dating process.

Human Design Reading for Love

Human Design provides an energetic blueprint for your life. By understanding your unique design, I can identify potential blocks in your love life and explain the best strategies for finding and keeping a loving, fulfilling relationship.

Client Testimonials for Emily Kelley, Love and Dating Coach

  • Robin, Sydney

    “Emily has been an incredible support system for me in my personal growth. Her endless knowledge of Human Design has been an invaluable asset in understanding my strengths and motivations. Emily is an amazing listener and incredibly empathetic, making me feel safe and vulnerable with her calming and kind energy.”

  • Joanna, Sydney

    “Thanks to my amazing sessions with Emily, I have been able to transform and improve my life in really profound ways! I learned so much about myself that I felt full of confidence, inspiration, peace, and happiness. I now have clarity of what I want and the best part is that I can trust myself that I will know what is meant for me and I believe it will be attracted to me- I don't need to go out looking as I've done in the past.”

  • Natalia, New York

    “I feel fortunate to have Emily’s guidance and support based on her own experience and expertise in creating life-affirming connections. Since working with Emily, I have had the confidence to start dating again for the first time in years.”

  • Elena, Sydney

    “By following Emily’s steps, I was able to go from always being the single one everywhere I went to being in a relationship with the man I would marry in just four months.”

Emily Kelley Love Coach Blog

Stories and advice to transform how you find love.